Analysis: “Cortés y Malinche” by Orozco

Orozco’s mural, “Cortés y Malinche,” shows Cortés and Malinche’s partnership, but also demonstrates Cortés’s control within their relationship. At first glance, Cortés and Malinche’s large, naked bodies prominently sit in the center of the painting. With their bodies sitting next to each other, Cortés shakes hands with Malinche while his other hand reaches out to restrain her. While their connected hands show their partnership there are some indications of separation. Their difference in facial expressions and skin color demonstrate both their contrasting feelings and ethnic background. Orozco depicts Cortés’ skin as cold and grey, representing his European background while Malinche’s skin appears more warm with red and orange tones. At Cortés and Malinche’s feet lays a faceless man with a similarly warm skin tone as Malinche. Unlike Malinche, Cortés’ feet do not lay flat on the ground. While his right foot obscures the faceless man’s limp right hand, Cortés’ left foot hovers over the indigenous man’s legs. In addition, Malinche’s facial expression conveys sadness and shame, while Cortés looks stoic and intimidating.

This mural shows the aftermath of Cortés’ conquering of the Aztec Empire. Cortés and Malinche’s position over the indigenous man’s body declare power over him with an added supplement of their largely scaled bodies. Cortés and Malinche’s larger size along with Cortés’ hand over Malinche’s body indicates the line of power in this image. While Cortés and Malinche display more power than the faceless man, Cortés is evidently the most powerful with his isolated cold, grey skin tone and brawny stare. His strength also shows through the muscles throughout his body and strong grip on Malinche’s hand. Malinche, in comparison, sits beside him with her legs closed in a dainty way, her power only coming from her size. These indications show Cortés’ overall control and demonstrate his place in the conquering of the Aztecs. The faceless native on the ground demonstrates the many deaths Cortés caused in the indigenous population. Though, the faceless man’s left arm lifted onto the rock beside him demonstrates some fight and resistance prior to his defeat. Malinche’s downward expression, gazing at the lifeless indigenous man, indicates her realization of the destruction her partnership with Cortés caused. Milanche did something unforgivable, she betrayed her people and because of that her name will always be associated with traitor.


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