For my final project I chose to do a series of drawings focusing on the joyful moments I had with my younger siblings over quarantine. I chose this theme because they are all people who can make me feel happy on a sad day. This was my first semester back after quarantine, and it was a drastic change from seeing them everyday. As we end the semester I am grateful for the time I’ve had back at school seeing all my friends and learning new things from my professors, but I am also grateful to be returning home for the holidays.

As far as materials I chose not to be very ambitious with those due to how ambitious it already was for me to choose 4 very detailed drawings. Although, I still believe my use of the materials I’m comfortable with still came across very strong. The materials I used for the monochromatic portion of the drawings was a range of HB to 8B lumograph pencils along with a graphite pencil for darker values. For the colored portion of the drawings I use a range of colored markers.

Something I struggled with during this project was creating darker values. It was intimidating to use darker pencil or charcoal on the skin portions which made the drawings have less depth than I intended to. Up close the values show stronger, but I think I will try standing far away after I think I’ve added enough to get the perspective from someone further away. Another difficulty with this project was drawing the teeth. I still haven’t quite mastered it, so it is something I know I need to practice and work on in the future.

Overall, I think this series was a success! The only thing I would change as I mentioned before is adding more value to the skin for depth and realistic skin tone, but otherwise I absolutely love it.

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