For this assignment I started by working deciding which of the items would be most interesting to draw together. I knew for sure that I wanted at least one smooth and one very textured item. In the end, I landed on three textured items and three smoother items, including the cloth backdrop.

I started building my composition through photographs. I set up my items in front of the cloth backdrop with the light source to the side and was satisfied with the image you see to the right.

After finding my composition I started trying different methods of creating the composition on paper. I started with a basic shape outline, then tried a looser sketch, and finally did some blind contour. In the end, I decided to use the outline of shapes and build on that. Using that technique allowed me to make my drawing very realistic.


My favorite part to do out of this drawing was the chair. Not only do I love how dark and rich it came out compared to the other items, but I also enjoyed the process. To create the texture and highlights of the chair, I started by outlining each section of the chair with my mars pencil in 6/7B. Closer to the middle of each section I scribbled horizontally and left some white in the center. I then used my blending stomp to blend the charcoal into the mars pencil and the mars pencil into the white space. I was very proud of the end result.

My least favorite part to do of this drawing were the attached spheres at the bottom right corner. I don’t think I captured the texture as well as I wish I had, but the end result was better than what I started with. What I found challenging about that item was that the texture was this crosshatch pattern on top of the dents and ridges in the spheres that created a lot of additional shadows.  In the end I was still satisfied with what I came up with and proud of myself for not giving up when I failed miserably the first time.

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